DGUV Kompakt 2024

Bild: DGUV

DGUV Kompakt 6/2024

Let´s talk about BEM! | “Occupational health and safety and standardisation” symposium | The fight against work-related cancer goes on | “Violence in hospital should be an absolute taboo” | Companies are preparing for climate change
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Bild: DGUV

DGUV Kompakt 5/2024

Saving lives together | Risk of non-melanoma skin cancer | Let´s talk about BEM | Happy with your job? | Reduced risk of accidents at work
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DGUV Kompakt 4-2024

Bild: DGUV

DGUV Kompakt 4/2024

Hospital reform – ensuring healthcare provision | We owe people a new opportunity | What causes non-melanoma skin cancer? DGUV funds research | Fact ­CHECK: People with a migration background at work | Desk sharing – not the best solution for everyone
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Bild: DGUV

DGUV Kompakt 3/2024

European elections: every vote counts | What the Green Deal means for German social insurance | Working together to combat heat: nationwide action day in June | Lowest number of fatal accidents at work | Listen up! Too much noise makes you ill | Disability sport – DGUV recognises reporting
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Bild: DGUV

DGUV Kompakt 2/2024

Working safely in multicultural teams | Successful settling in – making integration work for international specialists | Greater alertness – fewer commuting accidents | Roadmap for the digital transformation of the welfare state | Women at work – typical occupational diseases, common causes of accidents | Joint awarding of contract of social insurance providers
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Bild: DGUV

DGUV Kompakt 1/2024

No place for violence | EU launches digitalisation of social security | Belgium seeks to strengthen Europe's social dimension | Interview with Dr. Roland Portuné: Monitoring and advice: site inspections are opportunities for effective prevention | Which occupations in Germany are the most dangerous? | EU law on platform work on its way
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